Burnt geometry. Enamel experiments in Bonyhád (1968-1972)

Venue: Vasarely Museum Budapest
Date: Jan 23 – Mar 17, 2019

Curators: Róna Kopeczky (acb) and Veronika Pócs (Vasarely Museum)

Vasarely Museum – Museum of Fine Arts with the collaboration of acb Gallery opens its new group exhibition 'Burnt Geometry. Experimentations with Enamel in Bonyhád 1968-1972'. The  show recounts the story of the artist residencies at the enamel factory in Bonyhád, where artists such as Imre Bak, Jánós Fajó, Ferenc Ficzek, Károly Hopp-Halász, Károly Kismányoky, Ferenc Lantos, Kamill Major, Oszkár Papp, Gyula Pauer, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Lajos Szelényi and Kálmán Szijártó created works that proved to be lot more than the examination of the medium’s material and techniqual capacities.

Ferenc Lantos, the Pécs Workshop group and other artists who joined them occasionally were naturally influenced by the spirit, visuality, ethos and ideas of the Bauhaus-movement (that celebrates its 100th Anniversary this year) as through the Pécs-born Bauhausler (Marcell Breuer, Fred Forbát, Farkas Molnár, Henrik Stefán, Andor Weininger) it infiltrated and  fertilized the local art scene of the late 1960s. Ferenc Lantos’ social commitment and public art program supposed burnt enamel as a key medium due to its durability that allowed artists to consider them as elements of a universal, democratic visual environment both indoors and outdoors. They echoed the other Pécs-born artist, Victor Vasarely’s campaign that aimed to bind science and art, the urban and the natural, aesthetics and content, arts and life together.

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