Szombathy Bálint



BIBLIOGRÁFIA Beke, László: One more Poetry no more. Híd, 1. sz., Újvidék, 1983 Denegri, Ješa: Balint Szombathy. In: Fragmenti: šezdesete–sedamdesete. Umetnici iz Vojvodine. Prometej, Novi sad, 1994 Gržinić, Marina: Encountering the Balkan. The Radicalization of Positioning. In: Art in Europe 1990–2000, Gianfranco Maraniello ed., Skira Editore, Milano, 2002, 116–117 Jergović, Piše Miljenko: IZLOŽBA MSU-a U SRBIJI Iz Beograda se jasnije vidjelo tko je velik u Zagrebu,, u.l.: 2014. 11. 26. Šuvaković, Miško: Art as a Political Machine: Fragments on the Late Socialist and Postsocialist Art of Mitteleuropa and the Balkans. In: Postmodernism and the Postsocialist Condition – Politicized Art Under Late Socialism. University of California Press, Berkeley–Los Angeles–London, 2003 Djurić, Dubravka – Šuvaković, Miško ed.: Impossible Histories – Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge-London, 2003 Milenković, Nebojša: An Aesthetics of Freedom or Politics of Freedom (A Guide Through the Art of Bálint Szombathy 1969–2005). In: szombathy art. Monograph. Museum of Contemporary Art, Novi Sad, 2005 Šuvaković, Miško: Performing of Politics of Art – Transitional Fluxes of Conflict (Tactics of Political de-centering of Bálint Szombathy). Ibid.  

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