Erik Mátrai


Venue: acb Gallery
Date: May 10 – Jun 14, 2024
Opening: May 09, 2024, 18:00–21:00

Titled AIRErik Mátrai's show spotlights his recent paintings embracing the "color field" painting style, and taking the form of large, abstract canvases. Rather than using traditional painting methods, Mátrai employs a unique spray technique that layers tiny, almost imperceptible dots of paint; He creates ethereal color surfaces that converge in the viewer’s perception, instead of operating with physical blending. This method, based on the artist's own physiological rhythms and breathing, conjures images of fictitious atmospheric phenomena and otherworldly landscapes. The exhibition also includes works on paper that delve into sublime aesthetics, a main component of his larger light installations that explore the intersections of scientific understanding and spiritual experience of our contemporary time.

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