Miart 2019
Helyszín: | Fiera Milano, Milánó |
Dátum: | 2019. ápr. 05 – 07. |
Katalin Ladik and experimental woman practices in the Hungarian neo-avant-garde art
Decades Section | miart booth B27
Framed by the Decades Section acb presents a selection of works by woman artists active in Hungary during the 1970s with special focus on Katalin Ladik’s multi-faceted artistic practice. By exploring the experimental potential of the media of performance, photography and textile, each artist’s position articulated a unique voice of progression under the male dominated artistic era of the statesocialism.
Artists: Katalin Ladik, Aranka Hübner, Klára Kuchta, Margit Szilvitzky, Katalin Nádor
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