Csaba Nemes

About the artist

Csaba Nemes graduated in 1989 at the painting department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, and he is teaching in the present day at the Painting Department of the University of Pécs. His works can be found in such public collections, as the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Albertina, Vienna, MOcak, Krakow, the Ludwig Museum and the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest. He won the Leopold Bloom Art Award in 2013, previously his works were featured in the Sao Paulo Biennale. His last large scale instituional show together with Dia Zékány, was in Emil Schumacher Museum, Hagen, previously he has had solo exhibitions in M21, Pécs, Mocak, Krakow, MMSU, Rijeka, House of Arts, Ústi Nad Labem and the Insititute of Contemporary Art in Dunaújváros.

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